
Cusmin Features

Cusmin has a huge list features that can help you fully prepare the site for your clients. Here is the full list of supported Cusmin features.

If you thing there is a feature that is very important for customizing, but missing in our list, please let us know and we will consider adding it to our list.

Our goal is to cover all aras needed for customizing WordPress dashboard for clients.

  Who can manage it? Administrators having valid Cusmin account
  Administration Security Password protected administration
  Number of customizations Multiple
  Apply to custom capability
  Apply to multiple capabilities
  Apply to custom group
  Apply to multiple groups
  Apply to individual users
  Apply multiple customizations to the same user
  Reset, delete, rename customizations
  Import customizations (directly from other site having Cusmin)
  Hide Screen Options menu
  Hide Help Options menu
  Hide user's profile color scheme
  Hide WordPress update notifications
  Hide 3rd party plugin's admin notices
  Page title template
  Admin panel header image
  Admin panel background image
  Admin panel favicon image
  Create dashboard info notifications
  Create dashboard error notifications
  Send custom emails to dashboard users
  Google Analytics on admin panel pages
  Google Analytics on login page
  Google Analytics on site pages
  Change dashboard heading text
  Add custom dashboard content (text or HTML)
  Hide Welcome widget
  Hide Health Status widget
  Hide Activity widget
  Hide Quick Draft widget
  Hide At a Glance widget
  Hide WordPress News widget
  Hide secondary widget area
  Hide any other 3rd party widget
  Hide all/none widgets button
  Specify dashboard widgets ordering
  YouTube widget
  Vimeo widget
  Twitter widget
  Facebook widget
  Instagram widget
  Pinterest widget
  Google Calendar widget
  RSS widget
  Weather widget
  Custom HTML widget (or any 3rd-party embed code)
  Hide footer completely
  Hide footer text
  Change footer text
  Hide footer version text
  Change footer version text
  Hide admin bar
  (but show Log Out button)
Hide admin bar
(with options below)
Hide admin bar for logged in users
Hide search field
Hide Customize button
  (Front-end: public)
Show admin bar for logged out users
  (Front-end: public)
Add login button for logged out users
  (Front-end: public)
Add register button for logged out users
  (Front-end: public)
Hide icons from login and register buttons
  (Front-end: public)
Use original WP items for logged out users
  Change logo
  Change logo link
  Hide logo (Admin Bar Editor)
  Hide logo context menu (Admin Bar Editor)
  Hide site name (Admin Bar Editor)
  Hide Comments block (Admin Bar Editor)
  Hide "+ New" block (Admin Bar Editor)
  Change "Howdy" text (Admin Bar Editor)
  Change "Log out" text (Admin Bar Editor)
  Hide "Edit Profile" link (Admin Bar Editor)
  "Log Out" only
  Admin Bar Editor
  Hide top items
  Hide sub items
  Add new top items
  Add new sub items
  Add new multi-level deep sub items
  Edit top items
  Edit sub items
  Drag & drop reorder top items
  Drag & drop reorder sub items
  (Top item) Change text
  (Top item) Change link
  (Top item) Change open in a new tab
  (Top item) Change icon
(WP Dashboard, FontAwesome or Material icons)
  (Top item) Change icon color (button specific)
  (Top item) Change icon hover color (button specific)
  (Top item) Change text color (button specific)
  (Top item) Change text hover color (button specific)
  (Top item) Change background color (button specific)
  (Top item) Change background hover color (button specific)
  (Sub item) Change text
  (Sub item) Change link
  (Sub item) Change open in a new tab
  (Profile status) Hide profile image
  (Profile status) Add custom links on the right side
  (Profile status) Add custom links in the context menu
  Switch admin menu customizations ON/OFF
  Hide completely
  Hide the default admin menu items
  Remove Profile button
  Reset to defaults
  Auto-folding: default
  Auto-folding: force
  Auto-folding: disable
  Auto-folding: force expanded
  Auto-folding: force collapsed
  Hide separators
  Hide icons
  Hide sub menu arrow
  Hide "Collapse" button
  Rename "Collapse" button
  Round sub menu pop-up box on hover
  Admin menu branding logo
  Admin menu branding logo link
  Admin menu editor
  Add custom top item (anywhere)
  Edit custom top item
  Delete custom top item
  Add custom sub items
  Edit custom sub items
  Delete custom sub items
  Drag & drop reorder sub items
  Drag & drop reorder top items
  (Top item) Hide
  (Top item) Change text
  (Top item) Change WP capability
  (Top item) Change icon
(WP Dashboard, FontAwesome or Material icons)
  (Top item) Change icon color (button specific)
  (Top item) Change icon hover color (button specific)
  (Top item) Change text color (button specific)
  (Top item) Change text hover color (button specific)
  (Top item) Change background color (button specific)
  (Top item) Change background hover color (button specific)
  (Top item) Change open in a new tab
  (Top item: custom) Change open in a new tab
  (Sub item) Hide
  (Sub item) Change text
  (Sub item) Change WP capability
  (Sub item) Change open in a new tab
  (Sub item: custom) Change link
  Hide Back to Blog
  Change Back to Blog
  Change login header image
  Hide login header image
  Hide link on login image
  Round box corners
  Don't round logo (automatic)
  Hide Register link
  Change Register link
  Hide Lost password link
  Redirect to a specific page after login
  Background image
  Login favicon image
  Transparent login form box
  Login form position (left, center, right)
  Custom HTML text inside the login form
  (General) Background
  (General) Link
  (General) Link hover
  (General) Titles
  (General) Button
  (General) Button hover
  (General) Button text
  (General) Button text hover
  (General) Branding light color
  (Admin Menu) Button background
  (Admin Menu) Button background - selected
  (Admin Menu) Button background - hover
  (Admin Menu) Button text
  (Admin Menu) Button text - selected
  (Admin Menu) Button text - hover
  (Admin Menu) Icon
  (Admin Menu) Icon - selected
  (Admin Menu) Icon - hover
  (Admin Menu) Sub menu button background
  (Admin Menu) Sub menu button background - selected
  (Admin Menu) Sub menu button background - hover
  (Admin Menu) Sub menu text
  (Admin Menu) Sub menu text - selected
  (Admin Menu) Sub menu text - hover
  (Admin Menu) Wrapper background
  (Admin Menu) Update counter background
  (Admin Menu) Update counter background - hover
  (Admin Menu) Update counter text
  (Admin Menu) Collapse menu text
  (Admin Menu) Collapse menu text - hover
  (Admin Menu) Collapse menu icon
  (Admin Menu) Collapse menu icon - hover
  (Admin Menu) Collapse menu background
  (Admin Menu) Collapse menu background - hover
  (Text) Content
  (Text) Admin bar
  (Text) Footer
  (Widgets) Background
  (Widgets) Title bar background
  (Widgets) Title bar text
  (Widgets) Content text
  (Widgets) Link
  (Widgets) Link hover
  (Widgets) Border
  (Login page) Background
  (Login page) Form box background
  (Login page) Message box background
  (Login page) Message box text
  (Login page) Text
  (Login page) Link
  (Login page) Link - hover
  (Login page) Button
  (Login page) Button - hover
  (Login page) Button text
  (Login page) Button text - hover
  (Login page) Input text
  (Login page) Input background
  (Login page) Input border
  (Admin bar) Background
  (Admin bar) Text
  (Admin bar) Icon
  (Admin bar) Icon - hover
  (Admin bar) Context menu background
  (Admin bar) Context menu background - under logo
  (Admin bar) Context menu text
  (Admin bar) Context menu text - hover
  (Admin bar) Context menu item background - hover
  (Admin bar) Context menu sub-menu arrow
  (Admin bar) Context menu sub-menu arrow - hover
  Add custom admin page (text, slug, HTML content)
  Block access to specific dashboard links/pages
  (Plugins page) Hide filter links
  (Plugins page) Hide search box
  (Plugins page) Hide Add New button
  (Plugins page) Hide specific plugin from the list
  Hide table columns from PT and CPT admin tables
  Hide meta boxes from PT and CPT on their edit/add new pages