
Cusmin URL Shortenerfor WordPress

Why Would I Use Short URLs?

Short URLs are very handy when you want to use and share your links with other people. They are great for social networks like Twitter or Facebook where you have a limited post size.

You can also use them to hide your final destination from users. They promote sharing -- it's much higher probability that user will click on a short URL than on very long one, especially when you have many parameters in your URL.

They can be easily managed and you can track analytics, like users clicks.

What is Cusmin URL Shortener?

It's a free plugin for WordPress that can help you to shorten URLs easily in the WordPress admin panel.

Cusmin URL Shortener uses Google Shortening API and you will need a valid API KEY in order to use it.



Use this field to add your Google URL Shortener API Key. Please scroll down below for more information about how to get your key.

Hide Admin Bar shortener

This option will hide URL shortener helper from the admin bar.

Disable in-field shortening

This option will disable URL shortener inside form fields in admin panel. This can be helpful if you only need admin bar helper for shrortening URLs and planning to fill in all form fields yourself.

Disable reverse shortening

This will disable unshortening URLs from form fields in admin panel.

Shorten URLs in the Custom Fields Automatically

If you want to automatically shorten URLs in URL fields in your posts, you can enable this field. If this is the only thing you need, you can disable admin bar and form field shortening and this will still work in the background.

Create Hidden Shortened Post Permalink Field

Sometimes you would need a shortened version of your post permalink. Just enable this field and you will have it in "cus_permalink" custom post field.

Cusmin URL Shortening and Un-shortening in WordPress Admin

Cusmin URL Shortener will help you to shorten urls in text fields directly inside the admin panel, with just one click

Cusmin URL shortening process, three steps: locate the field, click to shorten URL and wait, see and copy the shorten URL.Cusmin URL shortening process inside the text field

Shortened URL can be also easily unshortened with just one click as well.

Cusmin URL shortening process, three steps: locate the field, click to shorten URL and wait, see and copy the shorten URL.Cusmin URL shortening process inside the text field

WordPress Admin Bar URL Shortening Helper

There is also included admin bar helper tool, that is easily accessible within the whole WordPress admin panel, so you can be sure that whenever you need a short URL, you get it in a second.

Cusmin URL Shortening tool inside WordPress admin barCusmin URL shortening tool in the WordPress admin bar

Shorten Your URLs Anywhere in the WordPress Admin

Cusmin URL Shortener is compatible with many text fields in admin panel. For example, you can shorten URLs in WordPress settings, Woocomerce, Yoast SEO and other plugins, custom field and ACF fields, WordPress menu links etc.

WordPress Custom fields containing Cusmin URL Shortening buttonCusmin URL shortening inside WordPress custom fields and ACF fields

Woocommerce URL field containing Cusmin URL Shortening buttonnCusmin URL shortening inside Woocommerce

WordPress Settings page showing Cusmin URL Shortening buttonCusmin URL shortening in WordPress Settings page

How Can I Obtain a Google URL Shortening API KEY?

Please do the following:

  1. Go to the the Google Developer's Console page to get an API key:

API Overview pageGoogle URL Shortener API Overview Page
  1. Create a new project:

Click to create a new projectClick on Create button to create a new project
  1. Choose project name:

Give your project a nameGive your project a name
  1. Enable Google URL Shortening API:

Enable Google URL Shortening API windowClick on Enable button to enable the API
  1. Create Credentials:

Shortened API widnow for creating credentialsClick on Create Credentials button
  1. Choose API KEY as Credentials:

Window for choosing credentials inside Google APIClick on API KEY to create a new key
  1. Copy the API KEY and paste it to the plugin:

Showing generated URL Shortening API key windowCopy the generated API KEYy
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